What is Radon?
What is Radon? How do I know if it in my home? And what do I do if there is? These are some commonly asked questions by clients. Radon is a natural occurring radioactive substance produced by the breakdown of Radium and Uranium in the earth. It exists everywhere, but usually in very small amounts, and is dissipated into the air.
In the home however, radon levels can be elevated based on a number of variables. Basements are usually the most concentrated areas for radon. The gases produced by the radioactive decay escape from the ground into the basement through slab cracks and related openings.
It is a fact that radon is the 2nd highest cause of lung cancer. The higher the concentration and longer the exposure, coupled with other factors like age, immune strength and smoking, all increase the risk for serious illness. Radon is measured in “picocuries" or pCi/L. The EPA has established that a reading less than 4 pCi/L is an acceptable range. The simplest way to find out if you have high levels of radon in your home is to have us perform a test for radon. Testing is relatively inexpensive and will give you the homeowner peace of mind.
OK... so let’s say that the news was not so great and you have a high reading. There is a relatively simple process to mitigate. A mitigation system is essentially a giant straw that sucks the gasses out of the ground beneath the slab. A hole is made in the slab and a fan powered PVC tube is installed that carries the radon gases up through the roof and into the atmosphere.
It is important to note that there is a lot more information about radon than could possibly be put in this article --including controversial theories and studies from different organizations. The thing to remember is this: only you can decide what level of risk you are comfortable with. Educate yourself on the facts and be warned of the possibilities. If you want to learn more about this topic, call the EPA’s hotline at 1-800-SOS-RADON. They can answer your questions or send you more information including a list of radon contractors.